
Specification for the ser/de of key/value structures

Structures in this refer to a sequence of Key/Value pairs.

Structures can be created before compile-time so that the key and value types are known beforehand. Here is an example in AssemblyScript .

class Vec3 {
    x!: f32;
    y!: f32;
    z!: f32;

To serialize the above schema, we generate both serialize and deserialize functions like this.

function __TBS_Serialize<T>(input: T, out: ArrayBuffer): ArrayBuffer {
  if (input instanceof Vec3) {
    store<f32>(changetype<usize>(out), input.x);
    store<f32>(changetype<usize>(out) + <usize>4, input.y);
    store<f32>(changetype<usize>(out) + <usize>8, input.z);
    return out;
  return unreachable();
function __TBS_Deserialize<T>(input: ArrayBuffer, out: T): T {
  if (out instanceof Vec3) {
    out.x = load<f32>(changetype<usize>(input));
    out.y = load<f32>(changetype<usize>(input) + <usize>4);
    out.z = load<f32>(changetype<usize>(input) + <usize>8);
    return out;
  return unreachable();

class Vec3 {
    x!: f32;
    y!: f32;
    z!: f32;

const vec: Vec3 = {
    x: 3,
    y: 4,
    z: 5

const serialized = serialize(vec);
// ArrayBuffer {...}
const deserialized = deserialize(serialized);
// {"x":3,"y":4,"z":5}

Notice that there is no type or key information because we know it beforehand.

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