Running the program

How to run our first AssembyScript program!

Setting it up

Navigate to the index.js file in your project folder. Replace it with this code.

const fs = require("fs");
const loader = require("@assemblyscript/loader");
// Import the loader
const imports = {
    /* imports go here */
const wasmModule = loader.instantiateSync(
    fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/build/optimized.wasm"),
// Instantiate the AS program


module.exports = wasmModule.exports;

Now, add these lines of code right below // CODE-GOES-HERE.

const add = wasmModule.exports.add;
// Grab the add function from the exports.

console.log(`Add: ${add(3, 6)}`);
// Run the add function. Sum is 9.

Lastly, run node index.js. It will run the AS function, get the result, and log it.

~ node index.js
Add: 9

Yay! You made your first AssemblyScript app! Now, try and see if you can make a a subtraction function!

Here's a few hints:

  1. Make sure to recompile: npm run asbuild

  2. Rewrite the add function to do subtraction

  3. Make sure to change the index.js file

Last updated